written on Aug 22, 2019

You’ll find that sharing your story reminds you of all of the amazing things that you learned this summer at camp. Once you get home and plug back in, you can use this quick guide to get your blog up and running.

Choose Your Platform

You have several different platforms that you can use for your blog. WordPress and Blogger are two options that make it easy to set up a free blog. You can also use social media platforms, such as Instagram, to create a picture or video blog.

Take a moment to check out your different options. Then, select the one that you feel the most comfortable with, and start setting your blog up.

Remember that a great title is helpful for making sure that everyone remembers where to go to read your blog.

Plan How to Organize Your Posts

Some bloggers post weekly updates. Others post a new update every day. Either way is perfectly fine.

However, you do want to keep your posts consistent. People will be more likely to visit your blog when they know a new post is available.

You also want to create different sections for your blog. For instance, you can create a section for posts about your adventures in the lake. Another section might be about the games you played with your friends.

Dividing your posts up into sections makes it easier for visitors to find the parts of your blog that interest them the most.

Increase Interest with Pictures and Videos

You might be able to picture that moment that you flipped in the air in your mind, but your blog visitors need more help. People prefer to see visual content that helps your written words make more sense.

When you sit down to write a blog article, check to see if there are any pictures or videos to go with it. The right image helps to bring your stories to life, and it makes it even more clear why you loved your summer camp adventure.

Decide If You Want to Allow Comments

Some bloggers encourage their readers to leave comments. This is one way that you can build relationships with your readers.

Keep in mind, though, that opening up the blog to comments gives you less control over what is posted. If you choose this route, then you will need to monitor your blog for issues such as spam or negative comments that need to be removed.

Share Your Blog on Social Media

Once your blog is set up and has a few posts, you can enjoy the best part of it all. Share a link to your blog on your favorite social media platforms. You can also text a link to your bunkmates and get everyone excited to read your next post.

Blogging is a great way to turn your favorite camp stories into something that you can share with the world. Once your blog is set up, just remember to keep it going. That way, you’ll have it ready to add even more stories to as you go to camp each new season.

Canadian Adventure Camp is a North Ontario coed sleepover summer camp for kids located on a beautiful private island in the wilderness lakes region of Temagami. Founded in 1975, it provides acclaimed programs to children from around the world!